PSHE encompasses many areas of our curriculum at VTC Independent School. Our curriculum reflects the needs of our students and supports them to develop skills and knowledge to make safe and informed decisions, as well as develop a sense of identity and belonging which promotes respectful and sensitive attitudes to others with the aim of creating a culture of acceptance, tolerance and understanding.
We provide lots of opportunities for our students to develop their confidence and self-esteem, to think creatively, to work independently and collaboratively, and to respect others.
We recognise that building and maintaining healthy relationships is often a challenge for many of our students, so supporting them in this aspect of life is key. Our relationships education teaches our students about positive relationships, with a focus on friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and with adults.
The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to our pupils is at the centre of our curriculum but is primarily woven through our positive and nurturing ethos. While Fundamental British Values are taught during discreet lessons, we model them in daily management, organisation and interactions.
Our health education aims to teach our students to understand physical and emotional wellbeing so they can make good decisions about their health and explores how our physical and emotional health are linked. We teach our students that keeping healthy is not just about doing regular exercise.
Our PSHE/SMSC curriculum will focus on five main strands:
· Health and well-being
· Relationships (including RSE- Relationships and sex education)
· Living in the wider world
· Employability
· British Values
At KS4, pupils will complete the NOCN qualification to support their PSHE experience and prepare them for adult life.